A1 Anchoring the UfM as a regional cooperation platform for Mediterranean countries
A 1.1 Strengthening the role of the UfM as a platform for dialogue on civil protection and disaster risk management
A 1.2 Fostering the adhesion to the Mediterranean Strategy for the Prevention & Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2022-2031) and its Action Plan.
A 1.3 Fostering a regional use of “CECIS Marine Pollution” as a regional emergency communication platform.
A 1.4 Enhancing the Preparedness for hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) incidents, particularly in ports.
A 1.5 Framing an integrated approach to managing maritime incidents at sea and onshore.
A2 Strengthening operational assistance & response capacity
A 2.1 Consolidating knowledge based on disaster risks and disaster prevention policies and awareness raised on disaster risk prevention.
A 2.2 Establishing a sustainable and cost-effective training network & roster of experts, effectively linking all relevant stakeholders.
A 2.3 Enhancing the exchange of best practices and strengthening local capacities in awareness campaigns.
A 2.4 Enhancing & promoting volunteerism, training of volunteers, implementation of pilot initiatives in Southern Neighbourhood.
A3 Fostering interregional cooperation initiative
A 3.1 Implementation of the Host Nation Support in the partner countries.
A 3.2 Contributing to the implementation of joint educational events between interested countries.
A4 Using advanced technologies for prevention, preparedness and response
A 4.1 Raising awareness about new technologies (Product/process)
A 4.2 Using data satellites as game changers for the prevention & monitoring of Man-Made and Natural disasters
A 4.3 Assessing existing academic skills related to advanced technologies used in the field of CP activities
A 4.4 Synergies with EU research projects (Horizon Europe, etc...) and ESA programmes
A5 Strengthening the interlinkages with all the relevant actors
A 5.1 Strengthening the interlinkages with the governmental actors; training.
A 5.2 Strengthening the interlinkages with the civil society stakeholders & enhancing awareness & engagement of citizens in disaster risk management.