The PPRD Med team extends its heartfelt condolences and solidarity to the families affected by the devastating Dana (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos) extreme weather event. We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and the hardships faced by communities impacted by this severe weather. Our thoughts are with those grieving and those working tirelessly in response and recovery efforts.
PPRD Med remains committed to supporting resilience-building efforts across the region to better prepare for such tragic events in the future.
A1 - Anchoring the UfM as regional cooperation platform
As a regional cooperation platform for the EU and Southern Neighbourhood countries. More than 25 years after the launch of the Barcelona process, the UfM became an essential component for EU stability and cooperation with the Southern neighbourhood. It brings together 42 countries (EU27 + 159) and has been a key political platform for sharing, discussing, and advancing on regional matters. It is mandated to work on civil protection under the “Social and civil affairs” pillar. The following activities are expected to be implemented as of 11/2023:
A 1.1 - Strengthening the role of the UfM as a platform for dialogue on civil protection and disaster risk management
A 1.2 - Fostering the adhesion to the Mediterranean Strategy for the Prevention & Response to Marine Pollution from Ships (2022-2031) and its Action Plan.
A 1.3 - Fostering a regional use of “CECIS Marine Pollution” as a regional emergency communication platform.
A 1.4 - Enhancing the Preparedness for hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) incidents, particularly in ports.
A 1.5 - Framing an integrated approach to managing maritime incidents at sea and onshore.