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Multi-country Study on Main Risks and Capacities

to Respond to Risks in EU Neighborhood & IPA Beneficiaries


Overall objectives 

The multi-country study will do a comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk landscape and capabilities/capacities of the countries in the targeted regions to respond to disasters. It will provide evidence on where the main national, cross-border, regional risks, and gaps in addressing those risks are. The study will help define priorities for future actions/programmes and partnerships in the targeted regions and support overall external strategy of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.


Specific objectives

To produce in-depth, country-specific risk management analysis covering all phases of disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction (identifying and mapping main risks, mapping of response capacities and identifying capacities gaps) in the area of civil protection with a cross-sectoral cooperation component, including detailed analysis of similar initiatives.


Implementing partners


Consortium coordinator:

Italian Civil Protection Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Consortium partners:

  1. Romanian Department for Emergency Situations of Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs

  2. International Center for Environmental Monitoring

  3. European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering

  4. Geological Survey of Slovenia

  5. Main School of Fire Service, Poland

  6. APELL National Center for Disaster Management, Romania



1 April 2023 – 30 March 2026 (36 months)


Partner countries - Involved regions 


IPA beneficiaries:

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Türkiye and Kosovo*.


Eastern Neighbourhood countries:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.


Southern Neighbourhood countries:

Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine** and Tunisia. Mauritania as part of the Union for the Mediterranean is also included in the scope of the study.


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on the status, and in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence


The participation of Belarus is suspended at the moment of the publication of the call.


The participation of Syria is suspended at the moment of the publication of the call.


**This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.

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The PPRD Med project is funded by the European Commission DG ECHO (Directorate General European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and is implemented by ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) with the support of ESA/R3 Accelerator (European Space Agency). The R3 Accelerator/Civil Security from Space programme (CSS), aims to enhance the contribution of space solutions to support the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, for the substantial reduction of economic losses as well as losses in lives, livelihoods, and health due to climate-induced crises.    



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