Uniting Forces for a Brighter Tomorrow: Future Collaboration in Action.
PPRD Med team, OSA and Multi-Country Study are excited to present a global strategy for stronger collaboration across three impactful projects. We firmly believe that together, we will achieve more:
Shared Agendas: It will all start with a common vision. The three projects will share their agendas, ensuring that we will work hand in hand towards our shared objectives.
Joint Steering Committees: To steer these projects towards success, we will be organizing Joint Steering Committees. These committees will bring together diverse expertise, fostering innovation and efficient decision-making.
Shared Focal Points: Fragmentation of information will no longer be a concern. With shared focal points, we will ensure that everyone involved has access to the right information at the right time.
OSA (On-site Technical Assistance) Updates: On-site Technical Assistants (OSA) will provide regular updates, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the project's lifecycle.
Stakeholders Mapping: Our commitment to transparency will extend to stakeholders. We will share our stakeholders' mapping efforts among projects, strengthening relationships and creating a unified voice.
Mutualizing Local Experts: We understand the importance of national expertise. By mutualizing national experts per country, we will ensure a smooth implementation of our projects.
Together, we will forge a brighter future for the benefit of the partner nations.